Welcome to a brand new year .No matter what has transpired in the previous year , you are still here , moving and breathing.Stop mourning over unmet goals and over unreached targets-the money you didn’t manage to save, the business you didn’t start, the course you failed. The new year is a gift, unveiling to you fresh opportunities, new possibilities, untapped potentials to birth a new you. You cannot discover new oceans until you are willing to lose sight of the shore. I know you are tired of the statusquo and desire to create a masterpiece from your life in 2011.This won’t emerge from the blues, its going to be a function of committing yourself to living a life of peak performance. Let’s consider the first letter in the word P.E.A.K which will serve as a roadmap to on our journey to release our imprisoned splendor.
1. Project into the future
Projecting into the future is about creating a vision for your life. Vision means the ability to capture the picture of the future in the present. It is the ability to invent what has not existed before. Vision gives us the opportunity to live out our imagination instead of our memory. A man by the name Robert Woodruff was the president of Coca cola during world war 2.He made a powerful pronouncement ,”I see a vision that where ever American soldiers are five years from now, they will be able to buy a bottle of Coca-Cola for five cents, “They made it. Then he expanded the vision and said: ‘I see people all over the world being able to drink Cocacola’.That was how Coca cola expanded because one man dared to project into the future, without being discouraged by the perils of the present.
2. Paradigm Shift
A paradigm shift is a radical change in thinking from an accepted point of view to a new one.Suceeding in 2011 begins with you changing your mindset from limiting beliefs to empowering beliefs. If you allow your negative mindset to blind you from the possibilities of succeeding In Nigeria, it’s up to you. Remember, it’s your mindset that determines your lifeset.Can you see a prince in the pauper, gold in the ghetto, diamond in the desert, a king in a kid? In the words of Mike Todd:”I’ve never been poor, only broke. Being poor is a frame of mind, being broke is temporary
3. Problem solving
Everything God created is a solution to a problem. Doctors solve health related problems ,lawyers solve legal problems, educationists solve the problems of ignorance. Your value only increases in proportion to the quality of problems you solve, and how competent you are at solving them. The richest guys in the Forbes list are the individuals who have gained mastery in problem solving. According to Denis Waitley:’Don’t dwell on what went wrong, instead focus on what to do next. Spend your energies on moving forward toward finding the answer’.
4. People
In the words of Stanley E.Allyn:’The most useful person in the world today is the man or woman who knows how to get along with people. People can trace their success or failures to the relationships in their lives. I was being interviewed for a TV talk show sometime last year, and in the process, the producer of the show needed another Human empowerment coach to present another segment on the show. Immediately, I recommended my professional colleague who accompanied me to the studio, which gave him the rare opportunity to produce the segment on national television. This happened because he connected with me. People can be the wind beneath our wings or the anchor on our boat. Would others say you lift them up or take them down?
5. Pursuit
Abraham Maslow once said:’ A musician must make music, an artist must paint, a poet must write, if he is to be ultimately at peace with himself.W hat one can be, one must be. ‘Nothing happens until somebody or something makes it happen. Your goals, aspirations, dreams, won’t come to fruition until you are willing to walk the talk and engage the force of pursuit in the actualization of your dreams. In this part of the world, its really difficult to pursue your passion because there are a lot of forces fighting you. P.H.C.N is fighting you by not supplying power supply, the economy is not friendly to your aspirations, and the absence of funds is giving your goals a hard punch. But you’ve got to fight back. Yes! You cannot afford to surrender your life to the adverse challenges of our national life. You need to take those steps that will eventually birth the new you that you deserve. Welcome to a new chapter in the story of your life.Go and rule your world!
Kehinde Ajose is Nigeria’s foremost Talent Development coach, Motivational speaker, Syndicated columnist and publisher M.O.V.E ACHIEVERS COMPEDIUM.He is available to speak at your next event.Please call 08024212530/