The Roman Empire continues to profoundly influence world history. But few have ever explored how Rome marketed itself to greatness. It wasn,t all about blood and guts, gladiators and chariots, togas and swords.It was predicated on the strategy/roadmap harnessed to birth the Roman Empire everybody talks about today. You too can create your own empire, and become the emperor or empress in it. Creating your own empire is a clarion call to those who are tired of living the usual kind of life, for individuals who are tired of running the rat race and want to set the pace in their own space. Create your own empire stop living off the buying and selling of others .So what does it takes to create your own empire? so that you can become the captain of your own ship and the one who makes positive change happen.
Jackie Chan the renowned actor, martial arts stunts master, and entrepreneur , never had a wholesome educational background.’ I never learned to read or write. These are things I thought myself over the years’. The education he got came at a martial arts academy , which of course opened a path to film stardom.Inspite of his limited educational background he rose to become the highest paid actor in China in the 70’s and later enlarged the vision becoming one of the most sought after actors in the world. He was sold out to his life’s vision. In the words of Stephen .S Wise:’Vision looks inward and becomes duty, vision looks outward and becomes aspiration, vision looks upward and becomes faith.’
You owe this world a brainchild.Every achiever contributes their brainchild to the universe which in turn creates their breakthrough. Think Of Bellanaija brainchild of Uche Eze, Chocolatecity, brainchild of Audu Maikori, Moments with Mo, brainchild of Mo Abudu, Eko dialogue,brainchild of Joy Isi Bewaji.Your true value is tied to the brainchild you birth in the labour room of ideas. Inventions have evolved, revolutions have sprung forth, lives have been changed by the power of ideas. Never underestimate the power of your ideas, it may be the key to the empire you have been longing to build.
Strategy, a word of military origin refers to a plan of action to achieve a particular goal.Many are on the verge of creating their own empire, but lack a strategy.Nobody wins the battle of life without a strategy.Today, the name J.K Rowlings is widely known in many parts of the world for creating HARRYPOTTER SERIES.Becoming the world’s most successful author isn’t an accident , it’s a function of a strategy. Harry Potter and the Goblet, the fourth in the series broke sales records both in the US and in the U.K when it was released in 2000, selling three million copies in the first 48hours in the U.S.Now that’s strategy in action. What’s your own strategy?
I woke up around 4am in the morning to write the article you are reading.It wasn,t convenient for me, but I decided to pay the price.Success doesn’t just happen , it is put in motion by the virtue of hardwork.In the words of John H.Johnson:’Long shots do come in, hardwork, dedication, perseverance,will overcome any prejudice, and open any door.’Never give excuses for your own laziness and indolence , dare to embrace the principle of hardwork.
Nobody says it will be a smooth ride to the top.You are going to encounter a whole lot of resistance on your journey to success and significance.It is your resolve to make a masterpiece out of your life, that will make the big difference.Stop living in other people’s empire, its time to create yours.Its time to write that bestselling book, its time to start that album project, its time to register that business, its time to be the captain of your own empire.Show the world,what the master deposited in you at creation.The creator created the creatures so that the creatures can become creators. I will read your success story.
Kehinde Ajose is Nigeria’s foremost Talent Development coach, Renowned motivational speaker, Acclaimed syndicated columnist, who helps individuals to discover and develop their talent solutions so as to create wealth and become global brands.To book him for your next event pls call :08024212530/splendidkenny01@yahoo.com,www.kehindeajose.blogspot.com