1. Her likes of Hang out spots: It will be very unfair and selfish to keep assuming that you girlfriend likes to hang out at the cinemas when she’d rather love to hang out with you at a park, at a suya joint or in the house!
2. Her likes of food: It will be so nice to know what your woman likes asper food. You can suprise her with food deliveries while you are at work and at least you are sure that when you go to an eatry and order food for her, your money isn’t being wasted because she will eat it all!
3. Her fairytales: Every woman has fairytales up in her head. She has the perfect picture of what she wants in a man, her relationship, her whole life! You’d be lost if you don’t try to go into her world sometimes. It might not be easy, being how logical you are, but at least you arent lost in her innermost desires which YOU can actually bring out to life!
4. Her Sense of Style & Comportment: Every lady wants to be able to show off her man. If you don’t understand that there is a particular image she’d like you to potray enough to represent her, then you might just be one not to show off! I am not saying discard your own style but try to blend hers and yours so it can be a perfect match! Also know the way she’d like you to comport yourself in public-some ladies like for their men to keep quiet till they are asked to talk, meanwhile some women like their men’s voice to be the loudest. Its a show off for them lol.
5. Shoe & Dress size: How can you not know your woman’s shoe or dress size? How then can you suprise her with a beautiful leopard skin shoe or gown you saw at the mall but you just didn’t know her size!
6. Her Personality choice: Its only wise of you to know the kind of personality your woman can trust and keep trusting so that if you are lacking behind somewhere, you can step on your game!
7. Her taste in Romance: You would be decieving yourself if you think that all your romantic moves are pleasing your woman when in the real sense you don’t have a clue!
8. Her money orientation: You have to know her views about money. It will help you, especially if you are going to build a home with her. Is she an investor or a spender, is she charity concious or stiff-necked?
9. Her good & bad habits: Its not enough to know just the good or the bad habbit, try to know the two. It will guide you on how to handle them.
10. Her turn-off moments: Ladies are very prone to mood swings. Don’t ask me because I am still trying to know why! Knowing when she’s clearly not in the mood will help you know when to keep quiet, keep talking or not get mad when she says something really annoying or silly.
11. Her religious views: You must understand what she stands for in terms of religion and respect it! It won’t be funny if you dont…lol.
12. Her background: Knowing the kind of background your woman came from explains why she acts and thinks the way she does most times. Try to know her background and a lot of things in the now and future can be handled.
13. Her category of friends: Most ladies tend to have the hi-hi friends, close friends or bestfriend thing. Its important to know them and know the kind of people your woman will carry the matters of her heart to. If you truly love your woman and relationship, its important you make sure she is in good hands.
14. Her best colour: Don’t laugh! It’s actually important I tell you. Its like an expo whenever you want to get her anything-be it shoe, bag, wristwatch…you just know that with her favourite colour in mind, you can’t get it wrong. she’d love it!
15. Her Love language: some women don’t really want to hear the ‘You mean so much to me-I love you thing all the time. Just hold them in your arms and they are ok. Some, hold them from now till tomorrow, you just have to repeatedly tell them how much you love them and for some, its both. So to be her wonder man, you’ve got to figure out her love language!
16. Her Kind of song: Wow…I tell you guys, this works like magic! Understanding her kind of music set you a step higher on the romantic scale because on her birthday you can suprise her with a performance by someone you know she’d love. When you are alone, you can play the kind of song and you both can dance into space…lol. Don’t play rock when she’d like it slow and soft please!
17. Her kind of jewely: OK! I am sure you know this is crucial so that it will help you when you want to propose. Know now if she likes gold, silver, pearls or what have you. Don’t mess up o!
18. The colour of her eyes: How very nice and romantic…Get it right. It’s not every girl that has hazel eyes…it will be nice if you know the exact colour so that you can just drop one hot line for her one day! I can guarantee a blush for you.
19. Her favourite foreign language: Well, this is really nice if you know, and thoughtful. If it’s spanish she likes, you don’t have to go and study spanish. My dear, just know all the hit words in spanish and you are good to go. Words like I’m sorry, I love you, I miss you…you get my P now? wink*
20. That thing she ‘detests’ the most: It’s important you know that particular thing your woman hates, so that you never fall a victim and loose the one you truly love!
Wow! I’m done and I’m sure you know there are lots more but I really have to stop here. How much will you guys pay me for this consultancy ooo! Lol. Any way, I’m happy I shared my views with you and I’m sure you can know all of this! .I wish you good luck in becoming your woman’s wonder man!
Special thanks to a sister & friend Funmbi Ogunbanwo for her just points on this with me. She is also the model in the picture.
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