…A call to action
The crowd waited endlessly and eagerly praying quietly in their minds for the
real show to kick off.For the past ninety minutes,it's been a showdown of
microphone testing.The crowd is hungry for the much anticipated performance,
after the buzz the show had generated ,no thanks to endless jingles on the
airwaves advertising the event.Suddenly,a man sitting close to me, who was
obviously tired of being fed with the ‘Testing microphone’ ranting,
Stood up,walked towards the stage…..I was already dreaming up a catastrophic
incident that will feed my hungry soul.The man seized the microphone from the
star of the night , cleared his throat :’I am not here to listen to you guys
test the microphone, play me music , that’s what I am here for'
This story captures the lifestyle of individuals who are engaged in what I
call the waiting game.They are on life’s centre stage with all the high tech
equipments(Talents, gifitings, strengths),with the crowd waiting endlessly for
them to kick off their life’s grand performance,pursue their life long dream,
write that potential bestseller, build that potential business conglomerate,
embark on that cause….But all they are doing is simply testing
the microphone-analysing their idea,waiting for that perfect condition, before
they step out and give a crowd pulling performance that will be recorded in
the annals of time.Are you like the singing sensation in this story?Who was busy
testing the microphone, forgetting the fact that the microphone is functioning ,
its not just to be tested,its meant to be used and maximized optimally.
There comes a time in our lives , when like a bolt of lighting, we suddenly
get an idea or thought to do something or an opportunity that could be of great
blessing to many, but instead of taking prompt action, we simply embark on a
journey called ANALYSIS THAT LEADS TO PARALYSIS.We keep working on the idea and
forget the most important part of it-it needs to be worked out
A lady who is currently observing her N.Y.S.C programme sent me a message
recounting her passion for acting. According to her, she has always had this
passion,but have not been courageous enough to convert the passion into
action.. She’s been testing the microphone without using the microphone for her
actual life’s performance. I encouraged her to stop testing the microphone, and
simply find ways by which she can start using her talent for acting to bless
What will our world be like if nobody chose to jump off the couch of comfort
,get to the center stage,turn on the microphone , and simply perform their
life’s assignment.Dear friend its never too late to start doing what you
are wired for.Find your dream again, bring out that manuscript
again,submit that manuscript again,pitch that idea again.Bring it out of the
closet , and shake off the dust.We spend most times of our lives
conjugatin three verbs:’To want, to have, and to do’.Remember, a crop of
determined spirits fired by an unquenchable blazing faith in their
mission can alter the course of history.Go and rule your world!
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