I used to have some time out with a very wealthy man. This time paid up for me big time. He taught me a lot of things about creating abundant and leading an exceptional life.
In one of this classes, he asked me a very deep and life changing question: What kind of Life Do you want to lead?' I was dump founded for a while. Before that time, I had always want to be rich but I have not really get to ask myself what kind of I intended to lead. He gave me an assignment: Go and find out the kind of Life you want to create for yourself.
It took me weeks to get the answer. I asked myself series of question. Eventually, I discovered that money was not my primary goal but leading an exceptional life was. However money is one of the tools I will use to accomplish that.'
'The kind of life you want to live' he said to me,in one of his buildings in Victoria Island' determines the kind of income you will create'. He continued' you can choose active income and lead a passive life or you can choose an passive income and lead an active life. The emphasis on the kind of life you want to lead determine the kind of income you will work for '. That statements entered me and I realized that it is basically because we don't ask ourselves questions pertaining the kind of life we want to lead that get us stuck in the race of life.
There are 16 kinds of income people can create and it is only one of them that requires your personal effort. However, it amazes me that it is only the one that requires our personal effort that most of us still go for. We have been programmed to work for money and not make money work he'll us. You can change this mentality by accepting the reality that you can make money while sleeping. I have proven this in my life and stay with I will coach you on how you can create massive passive income in your life while you still have the life to lead a great life.
Tade esan, is a world famous cashflow coach, he helps entrepreneurs to turn their business and passion into money making machine. He is the founder of Profit Factory..that helps entrepreneurs to do this.
He is the founder of four cashflow businesses that is working without him..the publisher of Cashflow Letters and the author of' Certain Places You Can Find Money and Make it yours Legally and How to Multiply your Income in Anything you do Fast'. Reach him on 08183309916.
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