Give a man a fish and he eats for a day, teach a man how to fish,and he eats for a lifetime.This aphorism captures the essence and the core of entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurs are the life wire of a nation’s economy because they create opportunities for others by creating job openings and also help create wealth for the country. There is a global consensus that young people are the greatest asset any nation can rely on for meaningful development.The underdevelopment of this demographic portends danger for the nation’s wellbeing.
National governments the world over are striving to achieve the United Nation’s millennium development goal(MDG) of making poverty history by 2015.But poverty cannot be eradicated if the monster of unemployment is not dealth with.Kehinde Olagbenjo is a purpose driven young Nigerian entrepreneur who is breaking barriers , and making his diamonds out of clay. He is the Principal facilitator of LEAD BUSINESS SCHOOL an enterprise development outfit dedicated to developing and raising entrepreneurs, and he also doubles as the CEO of 3m-int’l , a strategic human empowerment outfit geared towards providing excellent services in enterprise development, youth advocacy, and book publishing. He is saying no to the idea of being a burden to anyone and believes that young Nigerians must begin to take personal initiative for their destinies.
Kenny, as he is often called by his colleagues is the author of :’YOU DON’T HAVE TO BELIEVE IN MY DREAM’ a motivational book that encourages individuals to dream again inspite of their backgrounds and make their life a masterpiece for humanity to behold. He says: ‘Its no longer about you being a B.sc holder alone, its about embracing entrepreneurship and adding value to the lives of others’. Entrepreneurs are today seen as the catalyst that speeds up the process of creating wealth for the economy. Through his project 50,000 entrepreneurs , Kenny and other youth focused organizations are committed to raising and equipping entrepreneurs and aspiring entrepreneurs with the tools and the capacity they need to thrive in their enterprise. This project will create the platform for entrepreneurs with business ideas to flaunt their ideas to business investors and astute entrepreneurs, who will be willing to partner with them .
In the words of Richard Branson:’Business opportunities are like buses , there is always another one coming. ‘The best time to plant a tree was twenty five years ago, the next best time is now.The greatest sorrow in life is the sorrow of regret.Don’t look back at your life and regret at the things you hoped for , but never attempted. I will read your own success story!
Kehinde Ajose is Nigeria’s renowned Talent development coach, who helps individuals to discover and develop their talent solutions, in order to create wealth and become global brands. He is reachable at splendidkenny01@yahoo.com or KehindeAjose.blogspot.com
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