No man was created without an advantage.Creation is replete with stories of creatures embedded with an advantage within them.According to the Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary:’Advantage is a thing or a quality that helps you to be better or more successful than other people.
-Is the quality that sets you apart from the majority
-The edge you have above your competition
-What sets you apart from the pack
-Its your additional value
For an Oluchi Onweagba its her gorgeous height which has made her an internationally sought after model having worked with great names like John Galliano,Christian Dior,Channel,and Giorgio Armani.
For a Lionel Messi who is one of the world’s best contemporary football players, is his excellent football playing skills winning him several awards at a tender age
For a Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie its her ability to write stories, which has won her the Orange prize for fiction and the common wealth writers prize.
Every individual possesses an advantage kit lying dormant within them waiting to be unwrapped and unveiled.The pathway to maximizing your advantage is to add value to whatever you do, or wherever you find yourself.In the words of Albert Einstein:’Do not be a man of success, be a man of value’.Value is the defining quality that sets the president apart from the pauper, the renowned from the unknown .When you maximize your value, you will become a valuable commodity in life’s marketplace.
‘A double minded man is unstable in his ways’
The law of singularity is all about narrowing the essence of what you do to one thing.In maximizing your advantage,you have to focus on an aspect that will generate you results.The most important aspect of a brand is singlemindedness.So many talented individuals are struggling and eating life’s crumbs because they have not been able to narrow their value on a single mission.They are jacks of all trade, master of none.You become a master when you gain mastery in a matter.
Nokia once made everything .Then the company narrowed its focus to one product only-Mobile phones .Today Nokia has 35%of the wolrd’s mobile phone market and is the dorminant brand.A generalist cannot be a general in life’s race,its only specialist that become special in their craft.
The mission of Google is to organize the world’s information and make it universally acceptable and useful and this is the law of singularity at work.One single mission-single mindedness
CNN-Focus singularly on news
BRILA FM-Focus singularly on sports broadcast
BUSINESSDAY-Focus singularly on reporting Business news
COMPLETE SPORTS-Focus singularly on reporting sports
Value cannot be added if you refuse to apply the law of singularity to your business and cause.Go and rule your world!
Kehinde Ajose is Nigeria’s foremost Talent Development coach,acclaimed syndicated columnist, and sought after motivational speaker.He helps individuals and corporates to discover and develop their talent solutions in other to create wealth and become global brands.He is availaible for your speaking and coaching services, reachable @08024212530,http:/KehindeAjose.blogspot.com
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