(Business Lessons From Linda ikeji’s rise from Obscurity to Blog Domination)
You must know that in any moment a decision you make can change the course of your life forever…the very next movie you see or book you read or page you turn could be the one single thing that causes the flood gates to open, and all of the things you;ve been waiting for to fall in place- Tony Robbins
Success leaves clues, and in a fast paced world like ours , it is amazing how much one can leverage on the power of the internet and the social media and make a success out of it.Welcome to the world of Linda Ikeji-Nigeria’s renowned blogger.Love her or hate her,this young Nigerian lady didn’t just sleep a blunder, and woke up a wonder.She climbed the ladder to the top of her game and still striving to remain relevant.According to Alexa ranking, her blog is the most visited in Nigeria garnering massive traffic.Though she started out in 2006 from a personal journal, she has since grown it into a brand name.Linda can be decribed as an ex model, author, and entrepreneur.In her words:’ I didn’t set any goal. I just started the blog out of my passion for it. I made it my hobby. You know, while growing up, I wanted to be a journalist, but I wasn’t successful. I see blogging as a close substitute for journalism, which was my dream job. I just love meeting people, reading their stories, interviews, and the rest. I never knew that four years later people will be begging to pay for what I enjoy doing. I never thought that I will be making millions from blogging, but I thank God that what I enjoy doing is now making millions for me.’
So let’s leave the class corridor and move to the lecture hall as I unveil to you THE L.I.N.D.A FACTOR …Business Lessons we can adopt from her rise to the top of her craft using her name.
1. L-Leverage
Archimedes claimed that with a long enough lever, a single individual could lift the entire world. In mechanics the longer the distance, the less energy required to do the same amount of work (think of a door – The handle is always placed at the furthest point away from the hinges, if the handle was placed on the side of the door closest to the hinges it would require a lot more effort to open the door).What am I saying?Leverage simply means doing more with less.Linda does not go out there scouting for news on the streets she just sits back and leverage on third party contents (newspapers, magazines, other people’s blogs), and gives due credit to them.In the same vein, every entrepreneur should maximize the power of leverage.Maximizing the social media is a powerful tool to attract and retain customers.That is leverage working for you.
2. I-Influence
Ynaija, the popular Youthculture webzine recounts Linda’s growing influence:’T his lady who walked into the American embassy and got a visa ‘cause they checked out “the most influential blog in Nigeria” and she popped. From #ABSURape to Mercy Johnson, Linda owns the day. You can’t ignore Nigeria’s number one blogger’.Linda is not just all about gossip she has also used her blog to influence worthy causes.A case in point is that of Okeoghene Ighiwotho – the diabetic patient who lost his toes and was bedridden for six years.Influence is key to making impact in the business terrain.Your enterprise must be able to impact the lives of your target market , that’s how to be on top of your game.
3.N-Never lose your focus.
For all of her influence, Linda has done an amazing job of focusing on her blog.She has been on it for years and hasn’t left it to start another thing. According to her,:’ I am number 26 in Nigeria as a whole. I’m actually the first in entertainment in Nigeria. ‘.This is as a result of her consistent focus.For entrepreneurs, it is important to follow one course till you are successful.Never introduce a new product or service when you haven’t made a success out of the old.
4.D-Dare to bounceback
Inspite of her several blogging frailty like the Susan Peters Blackberry porsche story, celebs calling her a failed model and the current story(Toke Makinwa crying out that she is not worthy to be called a rolemodel), linda has managed to bounce back from them all.Challenges are not places of residence , but places of reference.Once you can learn from your business breakdown , it is essential to bounce back and move on! Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently." - Henry Ford.
5. A-Address customer’s demand
Linda is a a master at giving her readers what they want. When she finds something that works, she keeps using it again and again.From hot timely gossips, to fresh reports from the news,she is always quick to break sizzling stories that will get the attention of her readers. Like Linda , If you find a product your customers love, maybe you should consider expanding in that direction even if it’s not where you originally planned to go. If customers are asking for a service you don’t currently provide, maybe you should consider doing so, even if it means letting go of another part of your business that isn’t proving as profitable as you’d hoped.
I hope you’ve been able to learn tips and strategies from Nigeria;s famous blogger that will help you become the game changer in your business.Go make it happen.
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