Once upon a time, I used to get love letters, had poems written and composed for me by my numerous admirers, a smile their way is mostly enough reward to them, holding hands literally meant we are an item, we barely kiss, and whenever we do, it meant am his and he's mine till the end of time.
Now, love is complicated, love has lost its meaning, I no longer know what’s what. There's deception everywhere, even when you choose to love your partner against all odds you discover he's with you for "some reasons" how do you handle that?
Where love ,sex, and passion means marriage, when proposing or being proposed to becomes magical, where you'd want to live and die for each other ,when nothing else's matters but your love for each other, where Celine Dion's lyrics seems as though she could see through your very hearts. That's how I used to feel but now I one date three guys without even blinking
I ask myself have we all lost our conscience or do we no longer own souls within us? Or are we too hurt and heartbroken that we have gone numb in the heart?
There are so many girls in the world who have lost their dignity in the name of love. It's really sad when you choose to abstain from sex while you are in a relationship, and no one cares. It's heartbrreaking that being a virgin means nothing , you are even called lame for being one. it's sickening when guys looks at you and see no treasure or value.
I wonder where we got it wrong. In India, the family of the girl arranges her marriage and then goes to the husband’s house to pay his dowry and hope for them to fibs love in eachother overtime. In Nigeria once upon a time, women marry their high school sweetheart , and amazing when they celebrate 50th years anniversary culminating their relationship.
Love in our time is based on reasons, it's challenging and complicated from both sides
I wonder what the challenge is, or how to bring back the lost glory and pride in being a woman. Am a love believer ,I love to love, I love loving, but am scared to love now cos I have had it thrown back at my face many times.
My good and decent girl character didn't compensate for true love. What has love turned into in our time? This are the constant ringing questions in my head, what happened to the bubbly love feeling you get when you are with him? what happened to him making confessions and loving genuinely? What happened? Where did it all go wrong? How do I bring back love like we once felt and knew?
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