Its not enough to desire a change in your financial status without knowing how to locate your financial bliss. The mystery behind money can be unravelled and an individual can be untied from financial slavery only when one wakes up to the reality that financial freedom doesn’t just answer to desire, it answers to knowledge.Life;s journey is meant to be enjoyed and not to be endured, therefore an ample dose of money can help you live the life of your dreams. So let us get started on the journey to locating where money lies and how to maximize it for maximum achievement.
There is a connection between what you are passionate about and your money. The highest paid individuals in the world all engage in a love affair with their profession. Its something they love doing and still get paid doing it. According to Fela Durotoye:’God’s greatest joy is for you to earn a fee doing what you love to do for free’. Its not a fairy tale, its a reality that several young Nigerians are living. Years back Kelechi Amadi Obi a trained lawyer opted for his passion for photography,and today he is a sought after expert making mega bucks from his passion.So what are you passionate about?Your area of passion is a pointer to where your money lies
It is no longer news that you can create a product from your passion and become the new definition of a mogul.The Chicken soup for the soul brand powered by Jack canfield and Mark Victor Hansen was an idea years back ,but has been turned into a book comprising of other series affiliated to it and has turned them into reference points .Ayo Makun, one of Nigeria’s sought after humorists created the A.Y live brand,Funke Akindele created the ‘Bigz girl Jenifa’ brand,Dbanj created the ‘Koko brand ,what product are you going to create from your passion? A product is a cash cow with the capacity to make you rich for the rest of your life. Creating a product line from your passion is the key to getting to the frontline in your career.
Let me quickly state here that uncovering the hidden potentials and fostering a positive relationship with others is not only tied to what you can get in terms of financial reward, its a direct result of what you can give in terms of value. It is also important to note that the starting point of building strong and productive relationships with others is when you genuinely care about others. If you desire to be a money magnet, then you have to cultivate strong networks with others. People are your customers, people are your clients, people constitute your fanbase,people make up your readership e.t.c.No one succeeds financially without focusing their lens on meeting the needs of the people.
Your financial bliss is in direct proportion to the amount of solutions you proffer to the problem you are configured, calibrated, and wired to solve. Every profession is a solution to a problem, and your earning power in life is tied to your problem solving power. You can’t possibly solve every problem in the world, but there is a problem you are incredibly endowed to solve. Our country is the way it is because the problem solvers have not risen to the field of play to take their place. What ever infuriates you and angers you is only calling forth the solution lying dormant within you. You are the solution, where is the problem?
Potential can be described as your latent ability, unused power, talent under -cover, your unwrapped gift waiting to explode for mankind to behold. When Emeka Smith unleashed and maximized his comedy potential he never knew it would some day pay his bills and take him from an unknown Youngman to a renowned youngster. Start playing to your strength not to your weakness.Your potential is a potent tool for crushing the yoke of poverty, never underestimate it.Your money is tied to your gifts, strengths and talents. Exhibit it, express it, equip it, give it an excellent packaging and it will take you to the top.
Get ready for a shift in your finances as you develop the capacity to locate and maximize the money already lying within you waiting to be uncovered and unleashed. I will read your success story.
Kehinde Ajose is a Sought After Talent development coach,Acclaimed Syndicated columnist and publicist.He helps individuals to discover and develop their talents in order to create wealth from it and become global brands.He is reachable @ splendidkenny01@yahoo.com or 08024212530
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