The buzz usually starts immediately they finish writing their final examinations paper,even during the examination , you could visibly see the anticipation on their faces.They are the graduating students , ready to take on their world.Chants of ‘Congratulations ‘ usually rents the air , followed by a full dose of laugther and excitement. This is usually the mood when final year students of universities write their final examination to round off their study.
The traditional design of school goes like this-get good grades, graduate with a degree, and boom!you are now in the career you’ve always wanted. But often times the fresh graduates realize too late that life is not divided in semesters,and the world out there is a university(a learning ground) on its own.
Oyeyinka Giwanson , a graduating student of Lagos State University, department of English studies, describes her university experience: ‘The university experience has taught me patience, tolerance and determination. Sometimes, i get discouraged and i feel like giving up, but the hope for a better future keeps me motivated’. In her words:’ It is beautiful passing through school, though its not a compulsory phase to pass through but it is necessary.I have been inspired by my lecturers and my friends alike. When asked about her post university plans, she passionately says:’I have plans to go to a French school and enrol in a photography academy, since I have a flair for the media ‘she noted.
‘Life is a stage and everyone a cast in the play ‘says Agbolade Omowole a 500level student of Ambrose Alli university, Ekpoma.In his words:’ My five years university experience has been challenging .I learnt how to cope with the struggles of life on campus ‘On his perspective about life after school, he makes a potent point: ‘To cope in the real world you need God, you need to use your brain, and other people’s time and resources.
For Funmi Gaji , a graduating student of Lagos State University, English department, the university experience is full of lessons to be learnt. ‘I have learnt to make hay while the sun shines.I learnt to be prepared always –You don’t wait till exam is a week away before you start reading.I learnt to work under pressure. These are lessons i believe can be applied to life.I learnt to fully maximize time for maximal result’ she said
Sikiru lamidi , also a graduating student of Lagos State university, English department believes the university experience is a clear case of different strokes for different folks.’ While so many have been carried away by the glitz and glamour , a selected few have always seen it as a challenge,an avenue where the wheels of a bright future is set in motion. The university experience has opened my eyes to things I have been happily ignorant about, made me a better person as i now understand that in actuality, my destiny is in my hands.I have been equipped with the theoretical knowledge needed to confront the world, now i realize that every man has a choice-to break even in life, or to remain tied to penury for life.’he expresses
According to Bill Gates:’Your school may have done away with winners and losers, but life HAS NOT. In some schools they have abolished failing grades and they'll give you as MANY TIMES as you want to get the right answer. This doesn't bear the slightest resemblance to ANYTHING in real life.'
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