Passion And Enthusiasm- The love for the trade keeps it rolling, good or bad times..I am always strong… for this trade the race aint for the swift but for the strong… your strength is needed all the time.. Tighten your belt; every good work requires time.
1. Trust- you have to earn the trust of you Clients, by delivering accurate and durable services , I have learned to work with time, its better to early than late.
2. Tolerance- This is KEY, ability to tolerate people, not everyone has etiquette, so expect the worst, but i always take charge... as an entrepreneur I call the shorts
3. Patience- As an entrepreneur you have to get ready to stand in the days of famine also when it’s all rosy, tackle the business, rule and take charge @all times.
4. Wisdom- A man with wisdom conquers all ideas, always informed, always wanting to try something new, befitting and profitable.
5. Information- I try always to stay informed, to see what’s new, I get refreshed and modernized, because make up doesn’t change but its being modernize time to time. A wise person would keep an eye in and the other out. Meet with top other beauticians see what they use, I attend seminars, work shops etc.
6. Versatile- 1 thing I never do is stay put to one beauty product, I use different cosmetics which helps you stay connected to varieties and helps choose the best also gives you an opportunity to study them all… in short socialize.
7. Respect- Amongst all respect your superiors, elders even the younger colleagues. This gave me room for improvement.
8. Spending Cash- Be willing to spend, sometimes my debit is more than my credits, I always try to re invest over 50% back in the trade, when I read of good products I buy, I always buy; I never stop buying.
9. Differentiate Business from friendship- I always know when to be serious and when to play… the ones that are willing to pay more for the services rendered are the friends not those that are keep asking for free or a discount. I tell people I don’t do LOW BUDGETS, I rather do it free. The moment you start jeopardizing your work strength for free bees, that the day your business crumbles. I’d rather charge what works for me … I do not follow the price list of other make up artist.
10. Networking- I watch you tube video’s of foreign make up artist in the act, videos.. Visit Google and all other means of networking.. I always want to be aware of what is going on, how it’s done in various countries.
Dare to be different, be distinct from other, be unique, be distinguished..Create your own, the world is watching..
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