Thursday, May 10, 2012
For any lady, whether we secretly acknowledge it or not, we all want to be in a relationship. We all desire the prefix ‘MRS ‘before our name. Likewise the dudes, you want someone to love you genuinely. You pray to have an understanding wife,a ‘perfect’ wife that will be the envy of those around you . All of these desires are common grounds for most of us, but our reasons for desiring are different.
This piece is basically directed towards outlining the wrong reasons people go into relationships
. First things first, THE WRONG EXPECTATIONS-
Going into a relationship should be based on love, and compatibility. When you have the wrong expectations, disappointment sets in which leads to hatred and frustration. If you are with him because he's rich or you are with her in order to guarantee yourself financial security, most definitely there will be a glitch .Whilst dating, its easy to be infatuated, when infatuated, everything seems right and perfect, then you have your own PROJECTIONS of him or her, you believe some certain things because you are carried away, you fail to weigh your options, you fail to see his pros and cons. You keep projecting awesomeness. At the end ,you start seeing the real ‘picture’. You see the real him or her, and problems set in, you start looking for a way out .Which might eventually lead to infidelity on your part.
I once had an experience way back in England. This guy I was dating had a girlfriend of 5 yrs in Nigeria. During our conversations her name always comes up. I am always so furious that in spite of me being with him, yet he is still emotionally connected to a girlfriend he hasn’t seen in a long while. I wanted to win him to me, and make him forget about his girl friend. When I achieved my aim, I realized we were not compatible.
A while back a friend of mine told me about a caption on the cover page of a Real estate magazine, which reads: “I need a man to marry to solve my accommodation problems" .if she indeed finds a man to marry, and get her dream house she will realize accommodation is going to be the least of her problems because human needs are unlimited. She will then have so many other needs that might not be met because she was blinded by her problem and went into a relationship for the wrong reason. She will then start wallowing in anger and pain because of her unmet expectations.
I have read stories of individuals who went into a relationship in order to secure their ‘Green card’ and live happily ever after. On the flip side, happiness eludes such people because behind their wrong motive, is a life of misery and confusion.
In Conclusion, friends don’t rush into a relationship. Work on yourself, know your desires, and be sure you have the right motive before you go into that relationship. Love yourself. Do this first, and you will soon attract that special loving other. Keep being your best self , while waiting. Waiting time is not wasted time.
Nigerian politics: A needless multiparty system .-Words By Wale Odunsi
By Wale Odunsi
Prologue: Francois Hollande, a moderate Socialist was elected president of France on Sunday narrowly defeating the incumbent, Nicolas Sarkozy, a conservative in a TWO MAN run-off vote put at about 52 to 48 percent. Case closed. No fraud claims, no litigations. I had prepared the original of this commentary few days after the 2011 presidential election, but did not publish. At that time, I was in Jos, Plateau State for the mandatory one year National Youth Service. Providentially, the issue raised is still relevant thirteen months after. Enjoy the revised version.
Democracy is the free and equal right of every person to participate in a system of government, practiced by electing representatives of the people by the majority of the people. But the sixteenth president of the United States, Abraham Lincoln, felt the above definition was an overdose of English language. He consequently put it simpler by defining it as “the government of the people, by the people and for the people”. His view which is generally accepted has ever since been regarded as the most accurate and comprehensive.
Our democracy was restored over a decade ago, after many years of torturous autocratic rule. We heaved sigh of relief having witnessed disgusting tyranny at its crest. We stood united knowing full well that the chance to get out of the hitherto doldrums was here. While hundreds of defenseless citizens especially journalists and human rights crusaders were assaulted and thrown into the gulag, others became martyrs of liberty as they paid the supreme price.
Irrefutably, one of the key hallmarks in the tenets of democracy is the choice of expression and association. In fact this is considered as the single biggest gain of a democratic regime. However, the multiparty system currently practiced in the country appears to favor only a handful to the detriment of a strong and competitive polity.
In the 1999 general elections, three parties namely Alliance for Democracy (AD), All Peoples’ Party (APP as then known) and Peoples’ Democratic Party (PDP) contested. After a keen battle of wits and vigor, the PDP presidential candidate General Olusegun Obasanjo was declared winner and return elected consequent upon the defeat of Chief Olu Falae candidate of a joint AD/APP ticket. Even as a youngster who was yet a legitimate voter, the furore that surrounded the electioneering was noticeable. The candidates were conspicuous and the general public was abreast of anything and everything about the polls.
Prior to the advent and eventual registration of new political parties, not a few analysts perceived the idea inessential. Expectedly, the proponents not only kicked but threatened fire and brimstone. Their braggadocio got inordinate by the day. They went further, dubbing critics “bad belles” and enemies of progress. It is against this backdrop that one is tempted to ask: Where are the political parties?
During the course of build up to the 2011 elections, most of the parties were as good as not being in the race. Of the registered fifty-two parties, less than half fielded candidates for all the elective posts. And of the sixteen parties that presented candidates for the number one seat in the land, less than six were serious contenders. Save for the incumbent Goodluck Jonathan and a few others that were visible, the rest were egoistic bystanders who were either too vague or equivocal. In spite of that, they refused to establish a coalition either by merger or alliance.
In the light of the foregoing, it is apt to say that a wise alternative to the charade of the opposition at the last general polls is for us to return to a two (or not more than three) party system. A situation whereby parties are unable garner one percent of votes casted is repugnant. How will the leadership of a party explain the inability of its candidate to secure a quadrant of ballots albeit he is from that area! The ambition of such aspirant was prima facie, a failed adventure right from inception. For instance, there is a party where the father is the national chairman and his son, the national secretary. What can a party like that offer other than intermittently organize tea revelries?
The PDP has been the ruling party at the federal level since 1999 for we have pampered it. In 2011 total votes, it proved its dominance by getting 58.89 per cent, while the Congress for Progressive Change got 31.98 per cent, Action Congress of Nigeria got 5.41 per cent, All Nigerian People’s Party got 2.40 per cent, and the remaining parties that participated got less than one per cent each. From the analysis, what we had was a minor contest. I cited the French election because it was not a one-horse race like we had here. It drew massive attention; it was very intense and unpredictable.
Now that the elections are over, the kindergarten ‘parties’ are asleep. Their alarm is set to quarter to next election year, while supposed members are back to normal business. To ensure sanity, the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) should in the same way it did some months ago, descend its hammer on more indolent political parties. I hope the jokers will in earnest throw in the towel. They should seek de-registration before they are humiliated. Failure is the key to success; each mistake teaches us something. The season of failure is the best time for sowing the seeds of success. Futile political parties should either take a bow or be forcedly shown out! Nigeria as a politically active country is too big for clowns who tirelessly wander the polity despite woeful outings in elections.
Monday, May 7, 2012
He who heeds counsel is wise’
-Proverbs 12:15
Quite often ,the people who move ahead, break barriers, and make a name for themselves in any sphere of life are individuals who yield to counsel.Obeying counsel is the pathway to greatness.Many are taking snail steps in their careers because they are too proud to do what works and bury the strategies they’ve grown to love to the extent that they are unwilling to change , even though its not setting them up for success.In this piece I will be sharing with you 7 costly mistakes entertainers make.These mistakes are drawn from my interactions with them and observations from the entertainment industry.
What’s in a name?.A name is an identity.Its a distinguishing element that sets you apart from the crowd.As an entertainer, a wrong name can repel people from your brand.I have seen artistes change their names at the peak of their careers,leaving their fans confused as to how to identify them from the army of artistes in the Nigerian entertainmnent world.
-- Black face of the defunct plantashun boyz changed his moniker to Blackface Naija
- Dat Nigga Raw changed his moniker to Mr Raw Nwanne.
I doubt if their fans call them this names.
The most important career decision you will ever make is what to christen yourself.Make sure your name represents the essence of your brand.
It is suicidal to have an unresolved legal issue hanging on your career.Ignoring the legal terms of your career can ruin it.Upcoming entertainers are always in a rush to showcase their talents to the extent that they underestimate the legal terms of their contract.This reminds me of an experience I had with an upcoming artiste who told me all he desires is a label to sign him.In his words:’I am not bothered about these contract issues, I just need a label that can foot my career bills.’Before you sign that contract, make sure you contact a knowledgable lawyer.The legal issue Asa had with her erstwhile label almost ruined her career, thanks to her indomitable spirit.
Yes, you may be may be driving an hummer today, wearing expensive jewelries and footwears,living in the best mansion in town,but remember success has a short lifespan if its not multiplied and replicated.We have read stories of entertainers who made mega bucks from their careers but are struggling today, because they refused to invest their funds.It is not what you make that matters, but how much you invest after you’ve made the money.Save for the rainy day.
The likes of Psquare,Asa, Tuface,Darey,Genevieve,Kunle Afolayan, are still relevant today because they didn’t rest on their oars.A writer once said:’The music industry is very much like my ex girlfriend.You are dumped in a hurry once they are tired of your presence’.Where are the likes of Marvellous Benjy, Azadus, Eddy remedy who were once the cream of the crop at a time?Entertainers like other professionals burn out quickly when their last hit, or last movie appearance is still their only claim to fame and relevance.Keep raising your game, and embracing personal development.Good is the enemy of great.
Being talented is not enough.You have to publicize, and have all of the components of a great publicity campaign. You can be on a million social networking websites and social media websites, but people in the media are often times busy people – they do not have time to click on links to your social websites, without at least being enticed to do so. You have to have a press kit, biography, press releases…that is what will get you out there to the world.Expecting the media to automatically cover your new movie, event, song ,is not a proactive way of pushing your talent.I once approached a rising female rapper for an interview.She thought it was her right and not a privilege.She told me to call her manager before the interview can be granted…..playing the diva card on me.I forgot all about the proposed interview.Publicity is an ongoing activity that musn't be underestimated.
One of the greatest threat to your talent is your environment.Everything God created has an environment where it can thrive.This is what I call your comfort zone.Newyork is the hub of entertainment in America.In the same vein, Lagos is the hub of entertainment in Nigeria.Entertainers make the mistake of not being flexible enough when they refuse to relocate to an environment that will open their talents up to more opportunities and make them gain visibility.This was what ruined the music career of stylplus who decided to stay in Abuja ignoring the counsel of colleagues to relocate to lagos.On the flipside the careers of Banky W, Tiwa savage,M.I, Iceprince, Tuface,witnessed a turnaround when they relocated to lagos.In Real esate, location is everything.It is your location that determines your allocation.
The phrase Live fast, die young and leave a good-looking corpse, originally spoken by actor John Derek in Nicholas Ray's Knock on Any Door (1949), emphasizes how unfulfilled promises have always been fascinating and intriguing for many of us. While some great artists lived up to their full potential, sometimes through decades of fruitful careers, others have passed away long before that.Taking care of your health is critical to how far you go in your career.Your dream of becoming a superstar can,t be achieved if you don’t take care of your health.Your body is a tool for living life, and if its in a bad shape,it will hamper your career.Therefor do not make the mistake of ignoring your health at the expense of your quest for wealth.Pay attention to your health.Always go for medical check –ups.
I hope this article has done justice to the outlined costly mistakes.Your career will blossom and rise above career threatening mishaps.Go make it happen!
Kehinde Ajose is a Talent development coach, publicist, and writer.Follow him on twitter @ splendidkenny.
Sunday, April 22, 2012
For many, the actor who epitomized the character “Superman” is Christopher Reeve, and as millions know, at the height of his career he suffered a tragic accident that left him totally paralyzed, unable to care for himself or, initially, even to breathe unassisted.
With the support of his wife, Dana, Chris persevered and battled back, becoming a vigorous advocate and the public face for research that develops treatments and cures for paralysis caused by spinal cord injury and other central nervous system disorders. The foundation that now bears his name has awarded over $55 million in research grants to the world’s best neuroscientists and Quality of Life grants worth over $7 million to nonprofit organizations that help improve the daily lives of people living with paralysis, particularly spinal cord injuries.
Christopher Reeve redefined courage and hope. His strength, determination, and compassion inspired the world, but what I think is the superhuman part of the story has not been fully told. There’s more to this story for me and greater lessons for us all—in fact, 10 of them.
It was my distinct privilege to produce Chris’s last public appearance in New Jersey, where he filled a baseball stadium. I’ll never forget it—or him. He died 10 days later. He is my hero.
Chris Reeve taught me 10 lessons on that day. I know that they apply to you, and when you decide to take them to heart and act on them, they will change your life, too.
1.Empower yourself first! The only way to truly connect with another human is to connect with yourself first. Compassion, rapport, and caring all come from allowing, understanding, and knowing yourself first.
Action Idea: Take time out of each day (even if by self-appointment) to reflect on the day, week, month, or year, evaluate the words you chose to speak and the actions you chose to take, and ask yourself the critical question, “Am I being congruent with what I truly believe and value?”
2.Refuse absolutes. There are no absolutes! Anyone who says “that will never happen” doesn’t understand faith, persistence, and belief. The world was once thought to be flat; Christopher Columbus debunked that myth and created a paradigm shift for mankind. Christopher Reeve should not have survived as long as he did and accomplished as much as he did after his accident.
Action Idea: Have you embraced false absolutes with “security thinking,” believing that absolutes actually exist? Remove all self-imposed limitations and boundaries that you or someone else have placed in your mind.
3.Become a respected and feared competitor. Both are equally important. Have the respect of your peers, but be sure that they are aware that you are playing to win every time!
Action Idea: Get close to your competitors, and let them get close to you—but only in physical proximity! Treat them with kindness and respect, but keep your eye on the prize.
4.Get moving as soon as possible. There is never time to get ready. When you set a goal, make a decision, or experience adversity, get moving on it immediately! Christopher’s tragedy was something for which he could not have prepared. Chris knew that if he didn’t take action immediately to find a cure and to move toward walking again, he might begin to think that death was a better alternative.
Action Idea: Decide! Once you make up your mind to achieve a desired outcome or goal, never let anything or anyone stop you.
5.You have more talent and gifts than you realize. You possess all of the resources to lead an extraordinary life. Accept the gifts, and use them to serve.
Action Idea: Ask “what if” questions. “What if I could discover the cure for AIDS?” “What if I could run a three-minute mile?” “What if I give love first without expecting anything in return?”
6.Give yourself a chance—you are worthy. Let the people who love you, love you. Share your dreams and desires with those who can, will, and want to help you. Don’t beat yourself up when you fail or create an undesirable outcome.
Action Idea: Everything is an experience, not a test. The events that take place in our lives are not a thermometer to gauge our self-worth. The most important opinion you must possess in your life is the opinion you have of you!
7.Nothing is impossible—use your personal power, and have faith that you can overcome and achieve anything you set your mind to. The phrase “nothing is impossible” is a mind-set each of us should embrace.
Action Idea: Faith equals persistence. If you believe you can, you can. Walt Disney said, “You will see it when you believe it.”
8.Ignore your own feelings of inadequacy. There is always someone doing better than you are. What’s more important is what you are doing and what your goals are. The grass always looks greener on the other side, and it is almost always a false assumption. If you honor self-promises and stick to your dreams and goals, your time will come. Beware of negative self-talk and negative thinking. The real truth is that the glass is always half full, and it is always partly sunny. These small distinctions can pay huge dividends in your life.
Action Idea: Protect your mind and your body and what you allow to enter it; they are your most prized possessions.
9.Negativity will kill empowerment. Avoid negativity at all costs: negative people, negative news, negative thoughts, and all the things and people in your life that are dream-stealers. You are a leader. Become a leader in your life first.
Action Idea: Just as empowerment begins with you, positivism in your world begins with you as well. Negativity drains energy, diminishes hope, blocks creativity, and steals faith and one’s ability to persist. Surround yourself with everything and everyone that makes you feel good. Life is too short not to be happy.
10.Giving up is not an option. After Dana told Chris, “I still love you, you are still you,” his giving up was not an option. He knew that he had only one choice and one life to leave his legacy. Quitting does last forever—quitters never win, and winners never quit. You are not automatically entitled to everything in this life, but you are entitled to become your personal best. What will your legacy be? What will you create? What is your purpose for being here?
Action Idea: If you have yet to discover your calling, get excited! It is about to be discovered. If you know your calling, go there with passion and serve!
Those, in a nutshell, are the 10 life and leadership lessons I learned from Superman—my real-life hero, Christopher Reeve. I strive to live them every day.
There’s one more quote from Chris that takes a bit of thinking to understand, but I’d like you to consider it.
If there is no great glorious end to all this, if nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do.
Now, go forward!
** This article is one of 101 great articles that were published in 101 Great Ways to Improve Your Life. To get complete details on “101 Great Ways to Improve Your Life”, visit
Friday, April 20, 2012

(Business Lessons From Linda ikeji’s rise from Obscurity to Blog Domination)
You must know that in any moment a decision you make can change the course of your life forever…the very next movie you see or book you read or page you turn could be the one single thing that causes the flood gates to open, and all of the things you;ve been waiting for to fall in place- Tony Robbins
Success leaves clues, and in a fast paced world like ours , it is amazing how much one can leverage on the power of the internet and the social media and make a success out of it.Welcome to the world of Linda Ikeji-Nigeria’s renowned blogger.Love her or hate her,this young Nigerian lady didn’t just sleep a blunder, and woke up a wonder.She climbed the ladder to the top of her game and still striving to remain relevant.According to Alexa ranking, her blog is the most visited in Nigeria garnering massive traffic.Though she started out in 2006 from a personal journal, she has since grown it into a brand name.Linda can be decribed as an ex model, author, and entrepreneur.In her words:’ I didn’t set any goal. I just started the blog out of my passion for it. I made it my hobby. You know, while growing up, I wanted to be a journalist, but I wasn’t successful. I see blogging as a close substitute for journalism, which was my dream job. I just love meeting people, reading their stories, interviews, and the rest. I never knew that four years later people will be begging to pay for what I enjoy doing. I never thought that I will be making millions from blogging, but I thank God that what I enjoy doing is now making millions for me.’
So let’s leave the class corridor and move to the lecture hall as I unveil to you THE L.I.N.D.A FACTOR …Business Lessons we can adopt from her rise to the top of her craft using her name.
1. L-Leverage
Archimedes claimed that with a long enough lever, a single individual could lift the entire world. In mechanics the longer the distance, the less energy required to do the same amount of work (think of a door – The handle is always placed at the furthest point away from the hinges, if the handle was placed on the side of the door closest to the hinges it would require a lot more effort to open the door).What am I saying?Leverage simply means doing more with less.Linda does not go out there scouting for news on the streets she just sits back and leverage on third party contents (newspapers, magazines, other people’s blogs), and gives due credit to them.In the same vein, every entrepreneur should maximize the power of leverage.Maximizing the social media is a powerful tool to attract and retain customers.That is leverage working for you.
2. I-Influence
Ynaija, the popular Youthculture webzine recounts Linda’s growing influence:’T his lady who walked into the American embassy and got a visa ‘cause they checked out “the most influential blog in Nigeria” and she popped. From #ABSURape to Mercy Johnson, Linda owns the day. You can’t ignore Nigeria’s number one blogger’.Linda is not just all about gossip she has also used her blog to influence worthy causes.A case in point is that of Okeoghene Ighiwotho – the diabetic patient who lost his toes and was bedridden for six years.Influence is key to making impact in the business terrain.Your enterprise must be able to impact the lives of your target market , that’s how to be on top of your game.
3.N-Never lose your focus.
For all of her influence, Linda has done an amazing job of focusing on her blog.She has been on it for years and hasn’t left it to start another thing. According to her,:’ I am number 26 in Nigeria as a whole. I’m actually the first in entertainment in Nigeria. ‘.This is as a result of her consistent focus.For entrepreneurs, it is important to follow one course till you are successful.Never introduce a new product or service when you haven’t made a success out of the old.
4.D-Dare to bounceback
Inspite of her several blogging frailty like the Susan Peters Blackberry porsche story, celebs calling her a failed model and the current story(Toke Makinwa crying out that she is not worthy to be called a rolemodel), linda has managed to bounce back from them all.Challenges are not places of residence , but places of reference.Once you can learn from your business breakdown , it is essential to bounce back and move on! Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently." - Henry Ford.
5. A-Address customer’s demand
Linda is a a master at giving her readers what they want. When she finds something that works, she keeps using it again and again.From hot timely gossips, to fresh reports from the news,she is always quick to break sizzling stories that will get the attention of her readers. Like Linda , If you find a product your customers love, maybe you should consider expanding in that direction even if it’s not where you originally planned to go. If customers are asking for a service you don’t currently provide, maybe you should consider doing so, even if it means letting go of another part of your business that isn’t proving as profitable as you’d hoped.
I hope you’ve been able to learn tips and strategies from Nigeria;s famous blogger that will help you become the game changer in your business.Go make it happen.

How To Do Business Like Jesus Christ
by Tito Philips, Jnr.
How Did Jesus Do Business?
What is Jesus Christ to you?
To some, he’s the greatest human who ever lived.
To others, he’s the saviour of the world.
To me, he’s the greatest entrepreneur ever!
Because he invented SALVATION and helped mankind solve our greatest problem ever; eternal life!
Jesus didn’t just die so you can make HEAVEN. He died so you can also reign on EARTH by building a business that matters, change the world and profit from purpose!
The 7 Business Principles Of Jesus Christ
The story of Jesus Christ is the most told story in the whole of human history. This is because it contains so much valuable lessons that have powerful impact on people.
In the spirit of Easter, I bring you 7 unusual business lessons from the life of the greatest entrepreneur ever -Jesus Christ!
1) PURPOSE – why do you exist?
This is where it all begins in business as well as in life. Unless the end is as clear as crystal, it’s impossible to achieve greatness.
Jesus had a clear purpose for coming into the world – to save humanity from eternal damnation and give eternal life.
“For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that who so ever believe in him shall not perish but have everlasting life” –John 3:16
As entrepreneur, Jesus knew what is business was; to die so that you and I can have eternal life.
Great entrepreneurs begin with the end in mind. They have a clear purpose why they are in business. As a matter of fact, they started business to fulfill that purpose.
To them, business is how they fulfill purpose. You can only build something great if you started with something great in mind.
To discover your purpose as an entrepreneur; click here to download your copy of our FREE manifesto; “The Entrepreneur’s Journey”.
* You will learn how to awaken the spirit of business within by discovering your purpose.
* You will learn how to start and build a business that matters.
* You will learn how to change the world and profit from purpose.
Click here to grab your free copy now!
2) MESSAGE – what is your gospel?
Gospel means good news.
As an entrepreneur, Jesus had a gospel [message] he really wanted people to hear. His message was very compelling;
“Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all other things shall be added unto you”. –Matt. 6:33
This is a very compelling story. The idea of going after only one thing [kingdom of heaven] and having every other thing else is definitely a good news many people would love to hear.
As an entrepreneur, what is your message?
I talked about the importance of having a compelling message in this unusual article; The 3Ms Of Highly Effective Marketing.
Having a compelling message is crucial to your entrepreneurial success. A message is the foundation of all your marketing and the essence of your brand. Without one, your marketing will be ineffective.
Here’s the link again, The 3Ms Of Highly Effective Marketing.
3) POSITIONING – who are your target market?
No one business can single-handedly meet the needs of everyone. The whole world is not your target market; even Jesus recognized this brutal fact.
“I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.” –Matt. 9:13
As an entrepreneur, this is a major mistake you must avoid. Not everyone is your potential customer.
You have to differentiate and position your business so that those who will value what you are offering [product/service] can identify you easily.
Jesus didn’t stay in the church like a pastor would; he was on the street in search of those who were lost. The lost don’t come to church, they are in the world and Jesus understood this perfectly.
Positioning is about identifying your target market and going to them where they are with a message they want to hear.
Stop trying to be everything to everyone. Be something to someone -POSITIONING!
4) DISCIPLESHIP – who are your vision partners?
No great thing was ever achieved single-handedly by an individual.
Jesus didn’t attempt to save the lost all by himself despite all his divine powers. He enlisted the help of others who were gifted in diverse areas.
“Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will make you fishers of men.” –Matt. 4:19
Why did he do this?
The reason is so simple, but not so obvious.
Jesus realized he wasn’t omnipresent –being everywhere at the same time. He knew he was going to die on the cross for the sin of mankind.
He had to raise others who would succeed him and carry on the gospel [message] while he was gone. These were his 12 disciples.
As an entrepreneur, are you trying to go it all by yourself?
This is how many end up in the deadliest business trap ever. You must realize that you are not going to be here forever. What you build should outlive you. The best way to do this is to institutionalize your business by working with a team of vision partners.
While I do understand that at first you might start out alone, this is no excuse not to seek out vision partners along the way.
Great businesses are not the result of an individual, but the collective efforts of several individuals.
5) INNOVATION – where are your signs and wonders?
Being great is not by mouth.
Being great is a function of impact –signs and wonders.
Great entrepreneurs are great because they make great things happen.
Jesus is the greatest entrepreneur ever because he was the most innovative ever.
Jesus healed the sick.
Jesus made the blind see.
Jesus walked on water.
Jesus turned water to wine.
Jesus rose the dead.
Jesus rose up from dead.
Above all, Jesus invented salvation, mankind’s passport to life after death.
As an entrepreneur, your greatness is tied to how much great things you can make happen. Jesus made great things happen. He performed signs and wonders. He made impossible possible.
And here’s what he has to say to you about innovation;
“Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father”. –John 14:12
6) PROFITABILITY – how much souls/customers are you winning?
Great entrepreneurs build profitable businesses.
As there are two kinds of business; good and great. There are also two types of profit; kind and cash.
In Jesus’ case, his profit was in kind.
His profitability is measured by the number of lives he saved. His business is saving lives so his bottom-line is measured in kind not in cash.
As an entrepreneur, part of building a business that matter is being profitable. As a matter of fact, the more your business matters, the more profitable you become.
Businesses that matter make these two types of profit; kind and cash.
Your profit in kind is the ‘good’ [impact] your goods and service is having in people’s lives.
Your profit in cash is the money you are paid in exchange for the goods and services you provide.
Both are essential to your entrepreneurial success. In fact, your profit in cash is determined by your profit in kind.
The origin of both types of profit is value. It’s the good in your product/service that attracts people to pay you money in exchange for it.
“The generous man will be prosperous, and he who waters will himself be watered.” –Prov. 11:25
7) LEGACY – what will you be remembered for?
The true mark of great entrepreneurs is their ability to leave a mark in the sand of time.
Every December, we celebrate the birth of Jesus.
Every April, we celebrate his death and resurrection.
This is a man who lived over 2000 years ago and yet the world hasn’t ceased to remember him year after year.
Because his legacy leaves on.
Jesus is not the only entrepreneur who has been able to achieve this feat. There are others like him whose legacy transcends their lifetime and are remembered throughout history.
But in his case, he gave his life to fulfill the purpose of the business.
“Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” – Matt. 20:28
Great entrepreneurs use their lives to fight for a cause.
What are you prepared to die for?
What cause are you fighting with your life?
To do business like Jesus, you have to follow his 7 business principles;
1) PURPOSE – why do you exist?
2) MESSAGE – what is your gospel?
3) POSITIONING – who are your target market?
4) DISCIPLESHIP – who are your vision partners?
5) INNOVATION – where are your signs and wonders?
6) PROFITABILITY – how much souls/customers are you winning?
7) LEGACY – what will you be remembered for?
Thursday, April 19, 2012

Love isn't about finding someone that you can live with, it is about finding someone that you can't live without. It's astonishing how many of us want to be independent, and never want to be in that position where they will be tied to that one person who makes there heart beat faster. But why won't anyone want to fall in love? Love is the most beautiful and the strongest force in this world not even anger can withstand..
Many people say, " I once fell in love but I was left with a broken heart" I find that cheesy and flimsy of an excuse, it's like saying, Oh I tried knowing how to run but I fell and I didn't even bother to get up. Love is to find, you can't find what you are not looking for.The word find wont apply when you see something you aren't looking for if its of no value to you. Even if it's valuable you will never know the worth. But when you find love after many heart breaks, you will cherish it, because you know what it looks like, you recognize it, and you won't let go. Letting go of your past and memories of your broken heart are also extremely hard. Even though old memories can be tormenting, yet you might hold on to the past and refuse to move forward. by refusing to let go of the painful past, it'll only serve as a roadblock in finding love.
You might ask yourself, what is so important about love that I keep talking about?, it's not a big deal after all, I'll tell you this love is Magic, love is beautiful, love is great, when you are in love the world seem like a better place.Everything seems perfect .It's like snow making things beautiful, even the ugly stones. Love is like that. You smile, you shine, you glow, when you catch the love fever. When you shine and ooze of happy aura you are attracted to good things, you are attracted to positivity, because all you thoughts are good, all your imaginations are fantastic and positive, the law of nature sees this vibe in you and all the good things will come running to you and that my friend is the law of attraction. Love is a beautiful flower, when bright and pretty, it attracts the butterflies ( the more good and beautiful things)
Love can move mountains, can make the impossible possible, love is kind, love is pure in Mark 12 :33 the Bible talks about love "And to love him with all the heart, and with all the understanding, and with all the soul, and with all the strength, and to love his neighbour as himself, is more than all whole burnt offerings and sacrifices". What Believer are you without pure love? When you are in love with someone, it makes you see the beauty in everyone and in everything else, it makes you fall in love with everyone and it makes everyone fall in love with you too plus it gives you a better soul.
Love as a Christian or Muslim is the fastest way to seek favor in the sight of God and get the best out of life. LOVE God with all your heart. To Love him unconditionally, to love him for no reason, to love because of his constant love for you. Love him back genuinely and see the transformation your life will take. Deut 7:9 "Know therefore that the LORD thy God, he is God, the faithful God, which keepeth covenant and mercy with them that LOVE him". Not to those who fast and pray the most, Solomon has most record of concubines and wives, yet God loved him so much. He is the richest and the most intelligent man that has ever lived, WHY? because he LOVED God.
Find love and you will find joy, wealth, health, and above all you find will peace of mind.
Be a better person today. Find love within yourself, find love in your partner, and see love in everyone and everything and notice how things will turn around for Good for you.Keep the flame of love burning!
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Once upon a time, I used to get love letters, had poems written and composed for me by my numerous admirers, a smile their way is mostly enough reward to them, holding hands literally meant we are an item, we barely kiss, and whenever we do, it meant am his and he's mine till the end of time.
Now, love is complicated, love has lost its meaning, I no longer know what’s what. There's deception everywhere, even when you choose to love your partner against all odds you discover he's with you for "some reasons" how do you handle that?
Where love ,sex, and passion means marriage, when proposing or being proposed to becomes magical, where you'd want to live and die for each other ,when nothing else's matters but your love for each other, where Celine Dion's lyrics seems as though she could see through your very hearts. That's how I used to feel but now I one date three guys without even blinking
I ask myself have we all lost our conscience or do we no longer own souls within us? Or are we too hurt and heartbroken that we have gone numb in the heart?
There are so many girls in the world who have lost their dignity in the name of love. It's really sad when you choose to abstain from sex while you are in a relationship, and no one cares. It's heartbrreaking that being a virgin means nothing , you are even called lame for being one. it's sickening when guys looks at you and see no treasure or value.
I wonder where we got it wrong. In India, the family of the girl arranges her marriage and then goes to the husband’s house to pay his dowry and hope for them to fibs love in eachother overtime. In Nigeria once upon a time, women marry their high school sweetheart , and amazing when they celebrate 50th years anniversary culminating their relationship.
Love in our time is based on reasons, it's challenging and complicated from both sides
I wonder what the challenge is, or how to bring back the lost glory and pride in being a woman. Am a love believer ,I love to love, I love loving, but am scared to love now cos I have had it thrown back at my face many times.
My good and decent girl character didn't compensate for true love. What has love turned into in our time? This are the constant ringing questions in my head, what happened to the bubbly love feeling you get when you are with him? what happened to him making confessions and loving genuinely? What happened? Where did it all go wrong? How do I bring back love like we once felt and knew?
Susan Peters, Adaora Ukoh, Goldie, Toyin Lawani throw their weight behind the Business Women’s Workshop

Women with small businesses are about to experience the much needed boost as celebrities give their full support to the upcoming Business Women's Workshop.
The Business Women's Workshop is a great avenue to meet with fellow women striving to take their businesses from one point to the very next. It affords participants the chance to network effectively with other women in (small) businesses and learn their tricks, appreciate their hustle, recognise the similar challenges that they all face, and passionately garner strength from one another towards improving the quality of their businesses.
With the sponsorship of key celebrities, young women and their young businesses are given the necessary push.
This first edition, participation will give every woman the opportunity to market to over 30 women and gain more customers!
With only 30 seats available for women passionate to grow their businesses, the Business Women's Workshop will give women the essential networking tools to get new customers that will sustain the growth of their businesses and drive their brands to heights unimaginable.
It is a Networking, Brainstorming, Interactive, Strategic ideas, Practical Solutions, Opportunities for expansion forum.
Saturday, April 14, 2012

Yes I know I got your attention with the title of this piece. That aside, what comes to your mind when you think of colour purple? Purple signifies deep passion, Japan it signifies wealth and position. According to studies, people who like colour purple are creative. So what’s the relationship between colour purple and comedy? Take a chill pill. Any comedian who desires to be a royalty in the comedy terrain, making mega bucks, and also making impact, must exemplify what colour purple stands for. Jokes apart, a vivid look at Nigeria’s blossoming comedy industry is a pointer to the fact that any craft can be grown into a money making venture with the right skill set.
We’ve seen comedians become brand ambassadors, anchor popular TV game shows, host their own sold out comedy concerts, and publish their own magazines. It only goes to buttress the words of Ben Murray Bruce:’ I am almost driven to excel, and I think that is the difference between me and the guy next door.I always want to be innovative and different’ and that is simply what remarkable comedians do. They stand out from the crowd to become outstanding. So let’s look at the word .P.U.R.P.L.E as the pathway to becoming a remarkable comedian.
1. P-Public speaking
To be a remarkable comedian that boasts of clientele from the corporate world you ve got to gain mastery in your communication. The truth is that you are first a communicator before you are a comedian. The days of speaking ‘Pidgin English’ throughout an event you are compeering , is fast coming to an end.Take a course in public speaking, read books on public speaking, observe excellent public speakers. The likes of Julius Agwu, Koffi, TejuBabyface, are not just ordinary comedians, they’ve overtime gained mastery in their communication. It’s not just about what you say, but how you say it.
2.U-UNDERSTAND.. . that comedy is more than a joke, it’s a business.
It pricks my heart when I see some comedians carry themselves with the demeanor of a contractor, lobbying for shows to perform. That’s not bad in itself if you are just starting out, but with a proper business structure you can soar beyond that level.A.Y has over the years proven that comedy is more than just having a talent. From kicking off his open mic comedy competition, to his comedy concerts, to the A.Y show, to the A.Y magazine. What A.Y is selling is not comedy, A.Y is selling a brand with a strong business foundation. Dear comedian, if you are going to be taken seriously, you need to have a business structure for your talent.Aside that, it is also important to have products that helps to increase your market value.For a Tejubabyface, it his show, for a Basketmouth its his ‘Lord of the ribs comedy show’, for a Gbenga Adeyinka, its his’ Laffmattazz show’.Have a product that pushes your brand.
Ignorance is not an excuse .You’ve got to stay aware and abreast of the trends, events, new developments in your area of expertise.Ali Baba’s leadership edge is not just because of his pioneering efforts , but because of his passion for knowledge.He is known to have a huge library that houses books from various spheres of life.Being sought after requires an investment n knowledge which pays the best interest.
In this business, your visibility is more important than your ability.People only do business with individuals who have gained name recognition through publicity.A new comedian must be capable of generating favorable publicity in the media or it wont have a chance in the market place.How do you generate publicity for you?Firstly get in touch with a publicist who will be responsible for creating visibility and the right perception for you in the media.Secondly, do something new, fresh, unique…When your brand can make news it’s a chance to generate publicity.
The true measure of a wealthy man is not his wealth, but that he enriches others.Good comedians are funny, great comedians raise other funny comedians in order to create a multiplier effect.I have heard stories of Alibaba buying cars for different comedians, paying rents and school fees for other comedians.He is simply multiplying himself in others, that is what great leaders do.. they raise others to be leaders too.Same principle applies to A.Y,who has been able to raise a host of young comedians to make a living for themselves. Jesus taught 11 men how to do what he did. Then he left them to carry on while he moved on to other things. From the simple act of one man teaching 11 others, a church and the largest, most influential religious movement the world has ever known was born.
People don’t care how much you know, until they know how much you care.Its critical for you to upgrade your relational skills.The fact that you are being shown on TV and make good money doesn’t give you the right to talk down on people and undervalue your fans an friends.Your success is tied to how you treat your fans, colleagues, and even those you don’t know who love you for what you do.Always treat people right.I have personally met comedians who have a monster sized ego.
I hope this tips will help you make an indelible mark as a comedian.See you on the P.U.R.P.L.E stage!
Kehinde Ajose is Nigeria’s foremost Talent development coach and publicist, who helps individuals to deploy their talents in order to create wealth and become global brands.He is reachable @ or follow him on twitter @ splendidkenny
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

There are currently over 3million jobs available in Nigeria alone. 400,
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seekers do not understand what employers want.
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Sunday, April 8, 2012

BusinessWeek reported, "More than 200 million people globally are out of work, a record high, as almost two-thirds of advanced economies and half of developing countries are experiencing a slowdown in employment growth, the group said.’.According to The Federal Bureau of Statistics 2000 Report:’Over 40million Nigerian youths are unemployed’.Vanguard Newspapers in its 2010 report stated that only 10% of Nigerians are in paid employment, over 40% youths are unemployed. This stated, the unemployment rate in our country seem not to be getting any better.It is therefore pertinent to look inwards and tap into your Godgiven ability and natural endownment. Last year, The Minister of Youths and Social Development Mr. Bolaji Abdullahi in a presentation to the Senate Committee on Youths and Women Affairs lamented what he described as the negligible return on the annual N43 billion expended on the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) scheme.Abdulahi told the Senator Helen Eseune led committee that the unemployment figure estimated at 41.6% was about the highest in the world noting that the lack of employment opportunities coupled with a sense of hopelessness make the youth susceptible to violence, crime, and terrorism.
The deployment and development of your Godgiven talent sure has the capacity to get you employed and make you sought after in your area of expertise.Let us take a vivid look at the Nigerian creative industry(which is a blend of the music, movies, comedy, and fashion industry).The crop of individuals in these industries have been able to create jobs for themselves and for others not just by the deployment of their talents, but by also developing a business mindset towards their craft.In the words of Bob Manuel Udokwu a renowned Nollywood actor:’The entertainment industry in Nigeria is a vibrant and very vital sector of the economy. It is the second highest employer of labour in the country, aside the civil service.’ The practitioners are mostly young and creative individuals.’The likes of Psquare,A.Y,Basketmouth, Dbanj, Yomi casual, Deola Sagoe, Geneviveve Nnaji,Kunle Afolayan, Funke Akndele, Asa, might just have been part of the army of youngsters either unemployed or underemployed, but instead of complaining about the rate and state of unemployment in the country, they decided to activate their talent, developed it into a marketable product and are the better for it today.This paradigm requires a sense of initiative ,and hunger to embrace personal development in conjunction with willing to start on a small scale in the deployment of your talent.
Banke Meshida The CEO of BMPRO, one of Nigeria’s biggest make-up company converted her talent in beautifying people’s faces into a profession and today she is the personal make up artiste to Dame Patience Jonathan Nigeria’s first lady.Banky W, a strong music brand has consistently wooed the corporate world to his music talent garnering mouth watering endorsement deals in the process as a result of the elegant deployment of his talent into a skill and then into a product people are willing to pay for.The deployment of your talent won’t be a stress less journey it will require a whole lot of hard work,persistence, business acumen, and eye for opportunities.
It is also vital to be patient in the deployment of your talent.Anything worth its salt takes time.Dont be in a rush to make it ‘Big’.Be willing to start small, humble yourself and learn from the successes and failures of others.In the words of Publilius Syrus:’ "Do not despise the bottom rungs in the ascent to greatness." Even if you ve not discovered your talent, be willing to work no matter how little the pay may be.It is not what you are paid that matters, it is what you become(in terms of skill development and experience that counts.
Make a decision to be an asset to this country inspite of the gloom and death of integrity.Remember its your life after all.Cursing the government for your unemployment only adds petrol to your fiery experience.Find something doing.For a start, look beyond Asorock,and unveil your inner treasure to your world.You can make it happen!
Kehinde Ajose is a Talent development coach who helps individuals to discover and develop their talents in order to be global brands.Follow him on twitter @
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Award-winning singer, Goldie, has been conferred a UN Youth Ambassador for Peace by the Federal Government. Under this title, Goldie intends to further propagate national and world peace through her music, actions and words.
As a UN Ambassador, Goldie will be joining hands with other Ambassadors - home and abroad - in making the world a more peaceful place to live in by getting involved in aid-giving programs in areas of unrest. “I will be representing Nigeria all over the world, in summits, world conferences, united nation meetings, I will also go to places of strife to try and give aid either by philanthropy, or by mediation.”
Her office will also demand proper report and relay of pertinent information on U.N. activities to the countries' diplomatic centres around the world.
She is conscious of the task ahead and is prepared to use the platform in the best possible way to put Nigeria in a good place. “Nigerians are naturally peaceful people. We have a few bad eggs though whose sole aim is to cause conflict and disintegration. These few bad factions will definitely be weeded out in no time.”
Goldie is looking to building alliances across the world through this opening. On her thoughts of the Nigerian youth: “We are hard-working and innately good people. The Nigerian youth just needs to be appreciated and motivated and giving the right platform.”
Her job as an Ambassador also requires meeting with delegates from other countries while on international missions and building professional relationships that will ultimately be beneficial to Nigeria.
Thursday, March 22, 2012

‘If you come to fame not understanding who you are, it will define who you are. ‘
Oprah Winfrey
‘I do not like the man who squanders life for fame; give me the man who living makes a name.'Emily Dickinson
They are well known for their ‘Welknowness’.You see them on the pages of newspapers,covers of magazines,they attend A-LIST events, and are quick to flaunt their premium outfits.They are the posterchild for success.Welcome to Celebritydom.Celebrities are thrust into the public eye because of a particular talent, skill, achievement, or ability.This gives them maximum attention with minimum preparation.No higher institution of learning offers a course on ‘HOW TO BE A CELEBRITY’, therefore if you are not prepared for the glitter of fame, it may eventually ruin you without you being conscious of it.Being famous gets youn a lot of perks, stares, and respect,but it can also expose you to the world and the world to you, if you have not dealth with your achilles heel.Fame may be the spur that drives people to success,but it can be a killer when it finally arrives.When you embrace the glitz and glamour of being a celeb, the constant attention from the public and the media can make you lose the true colour and perception of reality, and also inflate your ego.The reason why a D’banj will tell you he knows nothing about fuel subsidy protests he is a busy musician who has no interest in politics.Or a Tiwa Savage would fight on Twitter over a fan who expresses his opinion about the way she looked during the fuel subsidy protest and she angrily calls him:’A waste to the Nigerian population’
Once you court fame as a celeb, be ready for the scrutiny of your character.Fans will annoy you, colleagues will betray you,people will take you for granted.That said, you have to maintain a positive character inspite of your human frailty.According to Bandura’s social theory(1986),humans learn about the world through observing the behaviour of others.Loigically, people are likely to imitate the behaviour which they associate with success.A British study conducted by Charlotte De Backe found that celebs are seen as being ‘Higher status or more successful others’ which means that people are more likely to ‘mimic’ (their) overall behaviourial pattern.People tend to imitate them because of their perceived success.On the flip side, what if a celeb does not live up to the society’s moral code of conduct?At times celebrities are the wrong people to look to for instilling moral values to your wards .
The incredible pressure to sustain the rate of success amidst ever changing trends and cultural shifts has led to the downfall of some celebs.This constant hunger to be more, do more, and craft the right image of achievement has led many of them to depression, drug abuse, and even abbreviated life. Beneath the trappings of success and the means to success is the silent cry for fulfilment.Its not your Lady Gaga like fanbase,numbers of awards on your shelf, your celebrity status,and incredible wealth that makes you who you are.What makes you who you are is how you can be responsible for yourself and make a mark beyond the sound of your music or the trailer of your movie.True success and significance lies in being true to yourself and using your influence as a celeb to give people something to smile about.The same media that adores you today will splash your pictures in tabloids for people to savour the downfall of a one time megastar.
In the words of Glennville Ashby:’Each man is questioned by life and he can only answer to life by answering for his own life and to life he can only respond by being responsible’
Kehinde Ajose is a Talent development coach, publicist, and writer.He is reachable @ him on twitter:@splendidkenny

...If i no love me , na who i go love?
“Love yourself first and everything falls into line.”
Lucille Ball quotes (American radio and motion-picture actress and comedy star, 1911-1989)
To love yourself means to accept yourself as you are and to come to terms with those aspects of yourself that you cannot change. It means to have self-respect, a positive self-image, and unconditional self-acceptance.
To love yourself means to accept yourself as you are and to come to terms with those aspects of yourself that you cannot change. It means to have self-respect, a positive self-image, and unconditional self-acceptance.
Needless to say, it does not mean being arrogant, conceited or thinking that you are better than anyone else. It means having a healthy regard for yourself knowing that you are a worthy human being.
Look in the mirror, what do see, see the best in you, fall in love with who you are and idea of you, there is no one without flaws, love your flaws and love every bit of you, believe it or not no one can love you, if you don't love yourself, bear in mind that there is a difference between love, lust and infatuation, love is deep, love knows no anger, love is pure. You find your relationship failing because ur partner isn't filling that void you have, you feel empty, you crave love and attention thinking that will make you feel better about yourself, am sorry to break this to you but it won't work.
Loving you is thinking positive about you, if you don't Love yourself it's hard for good things to come your way . When you do however your whole world changes.
You cannot sit around and wait for approval from others. Work on accepting yourself. You are the only "you" that you have. It is in your best interests to be the best you can be.When you make a decision to love yourself, you are really saying that you want to come alive. You accept that you are responsible for the outcomes that you experience in your life and would like yourself to shine from living a fulfilling life. First step is stop self criticism, then forgive yourself
“To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you.”
Lewis B. Smedes quotes
Even Whitney says it learning to love yourself is the greatest love of all.
Read this, print it and read this to yourself every morning
“I am Me. In all the world, there is no one else exactly like me. Everything that comes out of me is authentically mine, because I alone chose it — I own everything about me: my body, my feelings, my mouth, my voice, all my actions, whether they be to others or myself. I own my fantasies, my dreams, my hopes, my fears. I own my triumphs and successes, all my failures and mistakes.
Because I own all of me, I can become intimately acquainted with me. By so doing, I can love me and be friendly with all my parts. I know there are aspects about myself that puzzle me, and other aspects that I do not know — but as long as I am friendly and loving to myself, I can courageously and hopefully look for solutions to the puzzles and ways to find out more about me.
However I look and sound, whatever I say and do, and whatever I think and feel at a given moment in time is authentically me. If later some parts of how I looked, sounded, thought, and felt turn out to be unfitting, I can discard that which is unfitting, keep the rest, and invent something new for that which I discarded. I can see, hear, feel, think, say, and do. I have the tools to survive, to be close to others, to be productive, and to make sense and order out of the world of people and things outside of me.
I own me, and therefore, I can engineer me. I am me, and I am Okay.”
Denis2005 Virginia Satir quotes (American Psychologist and Educator, 1916-1988)
Now that you have read this, please go to the mirror, stay naked what do you see now? Give us feedback
Monday, March 19, 2012

By 'Wale Odunsi (
Fmr Social Director, TASUED Students Union
March 19, 2012
As pundits, we deserve sympathy. We are like an 'ologbo' (a yoruba parlance for cat) always seduced by the smell of fish. At all times, we are allured to react to burning national issues however form it takes. Even when we choose to "padlock" our lips and let the sleeping dog lie, we usually do not maintain that position for long. This is not unexpected. Bertrand Russell opined; "Doing anything you are good at contributes to your happiness".
The news filtered-in a few weeks ago; the media was awashed with the story. Thus far, different people and organisations/unions have made known their views. They have taken varying stands both for and against. Not a few have sought my opinion. People who are cognizant of the passion I have for my immediate consituent-the youths-literally almost stampeded me into airing my thoughts. As flattering as it seem, I took time to study the situation as it was necessary I compiled the facts before putting pen to paper. I assured my verdict would not take long.
I utterly have no idea what the great Abraham Lincoln had in mind when he said, "Be sure you put your feet in the right place, and stand firm". I wish he were here at this moment, perhaps he would offer an elucidation of what prompted that dictum. Many decades after those words came astir, it strikes one as if it is the paradigm guiding eminent Nigerians such as Chief Mrs. H.I.D Awolowo, Prof. Kayode Oyesiku, Senator Gbenga Kaka, Prof. Biyi Afonja (a professor of over half a century and two-term Pro-Chancellor of O0U), Prof. Afolabi Soyode, renowned Economist and former Vice-Chancellor of OOU-amongst many others-who have all risen in stout defence of the existence of Tai Solarin University of Education (TASUED), as against the obstinate stance of the state government. Already, watchers have-and understandably too-added a political colouration to the move coming barely nine months into the regime. Not suprising, both the former and present number one citizen of the state are regarded as arch rivals.
On February 12, 2012, the Governor Ibikunle Amosun-led administration announced its intent to scrap the first university of education in Nigeria, second (and best) in Africa, and eight in the world, subsuming it as an institute under Olabisi Onabanjo University (00U). Injustice I say! Its reasons which cannot attract a round of applause include: poor quality of education arising from inadequate funding, loss of focus, offering irrelevant courses et al. Albeit one cannot underestimate the role of federating states in the affairs of their institutions, nonetheless, there is a need for wider consultations in some cases especially where it affects the larger society directly or otherwise rather than riding roughshod over its people.
It is admissible to note that the Nigerian consitution recognises and empowers an existing agency, National Universities Commission (NUC), which has the mandate of monitoring universities. One of its many functions is that it also plays an advisory role for state governments on issues affecting their universities (see In the light of this, one is tempted to ask: Did the state government sought the professional advise of NUC before expeditiously deciding to scrap TASUED? If it did, what was the outcome? It is not only unfair to the governed/electorates and but also unhealthy for the image of the nation if successive governments keep changing established policies that enjoys acceptance and is yielding results. I weep! For us on the sidelines following unfolding events, one thing is certain: the stated reasons by the government does not and may never hold water.
The feather-weight claims they laid are indeed trite when ex-students of the relatively young citadel of learning are today a success story. Presently, some have secured teaching/lecturing jobs, some have proceeded for their masters degree, while a large number of others are working in several reputable companies. Were it correct that the school offered "irrelevant courses" as alleged, how come its products are gainfully employed? Or does the government needs to be reminded that in 2008, the current NYSC Director-General, Brig. Gen. Okore-Affia obtained a Post Graduate Diploma in Education from the school it wants to scrap! (see
Sadly, much ado has been placed on funding of the school -a case of giving the dog a bad name in order to hang it. Anyone who has visited the school will observe that a quarter of the builings/learning materials was donated by private individuals and corporate organisations. The ultra-modern petrochemical sciences laboratory, ICT centre, blocks of lecture rooms, computers, books etc. In terms of the recurrent expenditure, only seventy percent comes from the government (about N53 million monthly). The remaining thirty percent is sourced from the internally generated revenue of the school. Moreso, it is not a secret that there is not a single government-owned university in Nigeria without the problem of funding. Therefore, this is not exclusive to one. Remarkably, the growth of the institution is phenomenon. From 500 quota granted by NUC in 2005, it has been upped to 3500 within a period of just five years. Not only that, all its courses are duly accredited while it continues to attract attention within and outside the country. What is more?
As an alumnus, I am profoundly proud of the achievements of the school which has 'Integrity and Selflessness' as watchword; modifying its status from a university to an institute is not only retrogressive but a double whammy. I admire Winston Churchill for rightly noting that "We must beware of needless innovations, especially when guided by logic". Alas, if the concerned authority makes good its threat, they would have succeeded in telling the world that TASUED is theirs-and not ours afterall.

OZWALD BOATENG shares his story
The highly anticipated film of OzwaldBoateng’s life - “A MAN’S STORY” is set to be released in cinemas throughout West Africa (Nigeria/Ghana) on the 27th of July 2012, brought to screen by Okhma Global ltd.
A Man’s Story is an unprecedented and unique documentary that focuses on the dynamic force of energy, passion and colour of an A-list designer who continues to break boundaries. Tailor to Hollywood’s standard, the movie tells the intense story of a man with a dream and zeal. A superstar in his own right, OzwaldBoateng shares his singular dream to succeed, with humanity, depth and ambition rarely, if ever, documented in the fashion world.
In this biopic, Ozwald takes us on a journey to a rarefied place and to the heart of what he has spent an entire career trying to distil - what is it to be a man?
Instinctual, brilliant, awed and generous, Ozwald has made a huge brand that will live beyond his years.
Over the past two decades OzwaldBoateng has reinterpreted the British art of bespoke tailoring. Traditional craftsmanship and innovation are corner-stone of the fashion brand. OzwaldBoateng’s iconic contemporary twist, vibrant colours and refined fabrics offer a unique luxury experience to men of all generations. With the birth of the Savile Row House in 2007 designed by world famous architect David Adjaye, OzwaldBoateng has extended his bespoke expertise to semi-bespoke, ready-to-wear, shoes, accessories and luggage: an unexpected and sophisticated journey through men’s lifestyle.
True to his pioneer spirit, OzwaldBoateng consistently breaks new ground, combining fashion, design, art and architecture.
On Monday, March 12, Okhma Global ltd arranged a press conference where Boateng shared his intimate ideas. One of which is his desire to open a store in Lagos. “Lagos is the centre of Africa, I have the utmost desire to bring the brand here. They say in every five Africans, one is a Nigerian. So if you are not providing for the Nigerian market, you are in trouble.”
He also revealed his intention of starting a female line. “I have a 13 year old daughter who keeps insisting that I make clothes for her. So it’s something I am working on.”
As part of his visit, building up to this phenomenal project, OzwaldOkhma Global ltd organised an evening out with corporate Nigeria on Tuesday, March 13 at The Avenue. According to Mary Ephraim of Okhma, “The cocktail event is gathering of like-minds, sharing grand ideas towards making the black nation a more creative, more prosperous community.”
“A Man’s Story” captures the dark moments of Boateng’s life and also beams into the future, and the success he has recorded as the first black designer to take over England.
The CEO of Okhma Global Ltd, Mary Ephraim states, “This movie is very inspirational. The Movie’s release will be heralded by a grand premier and a spectacular fashion display of Ozwald’s best works. We are quite excited about this.’’
Friday, March 9, 2012

Whatever we do , let us strive to squeeze in our best efforts.Yours sincerely is the YOUNG PERSON FOR THE MONTH OF MARCH FOR SELAH INSPIRATIONAL an inspirational website for the upwardly mobile young Nigerian.I have reproduced the interview here.And thanks to SELAH INSPIRATIONAL for the opportunity to share my thoughts.
Kehinde Ajose, fondly referred to as Kenny is fast becoming one of the Nation’s most prominent syndicated motivational columnists .In 2008, EDUTAINMENT MAGAZINE christened him:’NIGERIA'S YOUNGEST MOTIVATIONAL SPEAKER as a result of his inspirational/enterprise development articles geared towards National/youth transformation.

His writings have featured in several National dailies. His writing credits can also be found in several magazines He is also an online contributor to some websites. Kenny is also a Publicist to several Corporate and individual brands.
He is the principal Facilitator of THE WRITERS G.I.G (A Personal development fora for writers) and also the publisher of a Move Achievers Compendium( A publication that chronicles the achievements of extraordinary Nigerians who have made their marks.
He is a sought after motivational speaker cum talent development coach who helps individuals to discover and develop their talent solutions in order to create wealth and become global brands. Kenny‘s expertise as a motivational speaker spans the area of Talent development,personal development , and publicity strategies .
Kenny has had the privilege of sharing his expertise on Super screen,Channels TV, Youths .com and a host of other TV programmes. .He is a graduate of English Language,from Lagos State University, (LASU)
Tell us about yourself.
Kehinde Ajose is my name, I hail from Lagos state.I am a young Nigerian with a passion to help individuals discover and develop their talents in order to create wealth and become global brands. I am a talent development coach and a publicist by day, a writer by night, and a bassist on Sundays.
You started consistent writing at the age of 18, how were you able to garner the discipline to stand out at an age where peer pressure is the order of the day?
Yes I started quite early, but it shouldn’t be taking for granted .I must say that am blessed and favored because nothing happens by chance. I had my own down moments when growing up, but thanks to the power of books and the right company. These two factors helped me to discover my strength zone and also served as a tool towards maintaining a sense of purpose. That stated, we need more of youngsters in Nigeria who have found their area of calling and are ready to give it their best shot come what may. The google, yahoo, and facebook guys started quite early too. Age is an advantage and a leverage if maximized.
What is the source of your inspiration?
Without sounding clichéd, I would say God, the General over destinies. He inspires me with great ideas and I doff my hat for his supremacy over my life. Secondly, I would say the hunger to make a difference wherever I find myself or in whatever I do. The Nigerian environment also is a source of inspiration.In the midst of gloom and doom, we still strive to make something out of our lives.
How did you discover your passion for writing and speaking?
My passion for writing and speaking can be attributed to the love affair I had with motivational books while I was a teenager.I read the likes of Ben Carson, John Maxwell, Robert schuller, Sam adeyemi e.t.c.I wanted to be able to practice what I learned from this great minds.Therefore In no time, I found myself writing about whatever I had learned and also sharing these treasures of wisdom with people.It wasn’t a smooth sailing journey
though, because I wasn’t the talkative kind of person, but today the story has changed.
What are the ways in which you think young people can tap into the resource of their talent potential?.
Firstly its important to note that there is no better time to be young than now. As young people we have so many streams of opportunities around us.Young Nigerians can tap into their talents(gold spot) by looking within. Within lies all you will ever need to succeed.God created you in such a way that there will always be something that fascinates you and also animates you. Secondly, having a sense of initiative is also key in the development of one’s talent. The truth is that no one owes you anything in this life, you owe the world. Playing the blame game hasn’t taken us anywhere as a nation.We need to stop passing the buck and start looking at ways by which we can convert our talents into its monetary equivalent. Lastly, everything big starts small.Even Jesus was born in a manger.Start small, but have a global mindset.
What do you have to say about John Maxwell's statement 'talent is never enough'?
Talent is never enough.Talent is just the starting point towards accomplishment. Being talented alone cannot pay the bills. No one gets rich by simply being talented. There is a concept called ‘The business of your talent’ which entails turning your talent into a skill, having a business outlook, embracing publicity and marketing, packaging yourself as a brand. There are so many talented individuals who are poor and broke. Figuring out the business of your talent and adding character to it will take you places.
How do you think the challenge of youth unemployment in Nigeria can be solved?
Beautiful question,I am reading a book called:Get out unemployment by Ronke Kosoko one of Nigeria’ s young leaders to watch out for. According to her , over 40million young Nigerians are unemployed –Federal Bureau of Statistics 2000.Therefore the first step towards unemployment is acquiring skills that are in harmony with your area of passion. A skillful person can never be unemployed. Secondly shunning the ‘Make it now” mindset. Every one wants it now.The image the media creates about success is not helping matters. As young Nigerians we should understand that anything worth its salt takes time. So starting on a small scale should be highly encouraged. Yes the money is important, but the knowledge and experience you gain is what counts. Young people should be willing to start small.Agriculture is a culture that we need to imbibe. Every one can’t work in a bank. We need individuals who can start their own farms and feed the nation.We cant ignore the ancient landmark.
Where do you see yourself in five years?
I see myself becoming a light, a voice, and an instrument of change by God’s grace.Through books, seminars, the media, and every other avenue available. I desire to be a media mogul that exemplifies the never say die spirit of the Nigerian.
Final words to Selah and readers
To the selah crew, I would say keep the vision burning and keep getting better and adding value to lives. To the readers, I would say you are a solution, go find a problem God has wired you to solve. Your life is more than sleeping and waking up.Be the star in your life’s movie!
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