Talk about sex and everyone goes hush hush, but the danger of not talking about it is far greater than the benefits talking about it generates. In HOW TO AVOID TROUBLED SEXUAL LIFE Aremo Emmanuel takes the reader on the pathway to avoiding a troubled sexual life. From the opening chapter its quite obvious what Aremo wants to achieve. In this book sexual purity is the heart of the matter.Aremo’s passion stems from the dream of advocating for right sexuality in the land.He hungers for a world where the unmarried will say no to premarital sex and the married will flee from extramarital affairs. Aremo is a trained sexual/reproductive health counsellor, public speaker, and publisher, Aremo has been able to empower his audience with the requisite knowledge needed to lead a sexually pure life.
In the brilliantly crafted foreword written by the phenomenal Bisi Adewale(a sought after author in his own right)he says:’ There has never been a generation where sexual perversion is pronounced like ours where unsolicited publicity is given to pornographic materials like books and films.It is noteworthy that a book like this which is carefully written in modern touch with true life examples will no doubt cure the famine of positive information on sex related issues for this generation and generations to come’.
Divided into 24 chapters, and laced with true life example and biblical refrences,in chapter 1 and 2 Aremo addresses the purpose of God for sex.In his words:’The fulfillment of God’s purpose is tied to sexual discipline’. In chapter4 , he takes the reader on a journey to distinguishing between sex and love. Other parts of the book focuses on the importance of parents –child sex education, overcoming sexual temptations, and provides the compass for overcoming a troubled sexual life. At the end of the book, there is a portion for a virginity pledge which serves as a commitment mechanism geared to assist the reader in achieving sexual purity.
Though the book might seem to appeal more to appeal more to Christians but the conversational writing style and the simplicity which he uses to pass his message across will lure the reader to the book, like kids are being lured to the sweetness of chocolate.Aremo addresses sexual purity with tact and coherence weaving his words like a cloth, each color in the right place, in the right measure.The book is a collector’s item and a manual for anyone who desires trouble free sexual life.
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